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Classic Bodybuilding Exercises in English

Classic bodybuilding exercises are an essential part of any fitness routine, helping to build strength, muscle mass, and overall physical fitness. Here are some classic bodybuilding exercises along with their English translations:


Squats (深蹲)

Description: Stand with your feet shoulderwidth apart, lower your hips down and back as if you're sitting into a chair, then push through your heels to return to the standing position.

Translation: Squats (深蹲)


Deadlifts (硬拉)

Description: Stand in front of a loaded barbell, bend at your hips and knees to grip the bar, then stand up straight while holding the barbell, and then lower it back to the ground.

Translation: Deadlifts (硬拉)


Bench Press (卧推)

Description: Lie on a bench, lift the bar off the rack, lower it to your chest, and then press it back up until your arms are straight.

Translation: Bench Press (卧推)


Pullups (引体向上)

Description: Grab a bar with an overhand grip, hang with your arms straight, then pull yourself up until your chin is over the bar, and then lower yourself back to the starting position.

Translation: Pullups (引体向上)


Military Press (推举)

Description: Stand with a barbell racked at shoulder height, then press the barbell overhead until your arms are straight, and then lower it back to the starting position.

Translation: Military Press (推举)


Barbell Curls (杠铃弯举)

Description: Stand with a barbell held at arm's length, then curl the barbell up towards your chest while keeping your upper arms stationary, and then lower it back to the starting position.

Translation: Barbell Curls (杠铃弯举)

These classic bodybuilding exercises target major muscle groups and are key components of any strength training program. It's important to perform these exercises with proper form and technique to maximize their effectiveness and prevent injury. Always consult with a fitness professional before attempting any new exercise, especially if you are new to strength training.

By incorporating these exercises into your workout routine, you can effectively build strength, muscle mass, and overall physical fitness. Remember to start with a weight that allows you to perform the exercises with proper form, and gradually increase the weight as your strength and technique improve.

If you're new to bodybuilding or weightlifting, consider working with a certified personal trainer to learn the proper techniques for these exercises and to develop a customized training program that aligns with your fitness goals.